Sunday, August 30, 2009


first day of work yesterday.
pretty fun xD
better than aquamarine la huh. ^.^
click click type type.

heh. off i go!

Friday, August 28, 2009


always have some kind of urge to blog after blog hopping uh.
wonder wonder wonder.
am i remembered =s
wishful thinking on my part huh. =|
i want to return to nvss too!

erm erm erm.
i'm in some dilemma now actually.
should i should i not.

well well well.
get this over.
i am currently waiting for my darn brother to return home
so that i can have my first meal of the day.
clock say 2.39pm.
i just wish he could be more considerate.
i didn't mean to shout over the phone though.
Ling says sorry.
i wanted to give him a treat 'cause it's the last day of his exam!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


still brooding over that word.

but yeah, mood's turning good already. :)
somehow still kinda negative though. =/

it was mad rush just now.
just to get to the toilet :S

Monday, August 10, 2009


so much to resent coming home.
so stucked in this fridge.
so irritating.
so fucked up.
so disgusting.
so stressful.

where's the care.
where's the love.

full of crap.
full of shit.

so much for stressing myself every now and then.
so much for carrying the burden of responsibilities.

that's what I get
when I didnt let my heart win.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

infinite loop

somehow i just had this loop looping in my mind :D

<3 = 0;

i love baby many many (:

spent my day with baby.
diabetic :$
baby cooks awesome crab :P

ling's becoming a glutton!

Monday, August 3, 2009

crazy yesterday; stressful today; unknown tomorrow.
baby tell me what to do.


Sunday, August 2, 2009


I. am. so. freaking. frustrated.
I've. been. in. front. of. this. damn. computer.
for. the. whole. bloody. day. waiting. for. those. pathetic. slides.
I. am. not. going. to. wait. already.
I. won't. let. vulgar. appear. here. anymore.
so. relax. people.
they. represent. my. words.

don't. sorry. me.
It. doesn't. work. anymore.